Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rest day in Flagstaff

What do you mean, we're taking the day off? No riding? What am I supposed to do all day?

Breakfast in the hotel with the early risers.

Laundry - instead of washing out my bicycle togs in the sink, I used the washer/dryer in the hotel.

Clean the bicycle - CR has buckets, rags, degreaser, etc. available for this task.

Take a ride - I took a leisurely spin up into historic Flagstaff, visited a bicycle shop, and even found a dive store!

Eat lunch (took home the leftovers for dinner.)

Work on my blog.

Take a nap?

Eat left-overs from lunch for dinner.

Go to bed early in anticipation for tomorrow's ride on I-40.

[the rug was on the wall of the place I had lunch yesterday]

The bags supplied by CR for our clothes - we get two bags, total weight not to exceed thirty pounds. You don't need to bring much on this trip. As soon as riders arrive at their hotel, sign in, and go to their rooms, they find their bags already in the room with the A/C on full. SWEET!


  1. Sounds like your day was restful - hope tomorrow is fantastic. Keep us posted!
    Love,P and the grand puppies (aka the wheelsuckers)

  2. P.S. When I return to MY room, the A/C is NEVER on full, and nothing else has been done for me, either. Hmmm. I need a better support crew.

  3. Hi Jim,

    Wow!!! So much excitement and all above water, your posts are making me feel part of the ride, wish I was there. Can’t wait for tomorrows post, keep it coming, the description of the wind, smells and weather are fantastic.

    Jaime E

  4. Go Jim Go! Really enjoying your adventure, hope this comment gets to you as this is the first time I have responded to a blog. Lucianna
