Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dalhart, Texas to Guymon, Oklahoma

76 miles, 4:47 riding time, 1,029 feet of climb, 3,625 Calories, 1 fl*t

All together now:

"OOOOk-lahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain,
And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet, When the wind comes right behind the rain."

No rain, but lots of wind, unfortunately a headwind. Another day, another state!

[I've been asked to explain what a pace line is. Riding behind another bicycle rider reduces the effort required because the first rider is partially blocking the wind for the following rider. When several cyclists ride in a pace line, and take turns leading, the group travels faster and easier than individual riders can, riding alone.]

Due to the time change, we left the hotel an hour later than usual this morning. When I got on my bicycle, I noticed the rear tire was low on air. Yes, I did check it last night and again this morning. So, I changed the tube in the parking lot and was the last one to leave. I caught up with Harry & the three musketeers (Karen, Alec, and Ira). I rode with them until we reached the "big cowboy." After a photo op, I joined Peter, Al, Chris, and Willie. We rode together for the rest of the day, including our crossing of yet another state line, into Oklahoma. If you thought yesterday's ride was flat, you should see the panhandle of OK. We passed a wind farm (look closely and you'll see an old windmill for perspective.) Lots of grain elevators on the plains. The wind wasn't as bad as yesterday, but it was in our faces most of the day. Fortunately, today's ride was shorter than yesterday's.

Rider of the day:

Peter is from New York. He's an artist and cabinet maker. Originally from England, he's lived in this country for thirty years. We're wearing the New Mexico jerseys that Rich gave us.


  1. Thanks for the explanation!! Take care.

  2. Beach Bike Trek update.
    Spent the day patiently explaining the concept of "pace line" and various other important road terms and rules to the domestiques. Will see tomorrow if they have learned anything. Am guessing not.

  3. Hi Jim,

    This is Gil Langley from the CX 2007 Tour. I'm enjoying following your blog. This is a great adventure you're on and one that you'll treasure. I still think about it almost every day. A very unique time in your life and one that is some ways may define it. I noticed the New Mexico jerseys in the picture. I bought one of those in Santa Fe but I lost it. Do you remember the name of the bike shop or where you bought it? While on the tour in 2007 I took 7 hours of hi def video and made a 45 min. movie. If interested, let me know and I'll send to you for your help in finding out where I can buy one on those NM jerseys. Thanks. Be safe. Gil AKA Road Kill Gil

  4. Love the Big Cowboy! ROFL...I'm so enjoying all of your reports and photos! I was lucky enough in my late 20's to do 3 "bus and truck" touring musicals and saw the country by bus - but your bicycle trip is so much more intimate with your environment. I'm really loving following your trip...hugs, Jim!

