Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Indio to Blythe, CA

102.5 miles, 6:00 hours riding time, 5,466 calories, 2323 feet of ascent

Well, to be honest, today wasn't much fun. To get to Blythe from Indio, you have to ride on Interstate 10. It's legal for bicycles to use the freeway, if there are no other roads. We left the hotel at 7:15 am to avoid the rising sun and started the day with an eleven-mile climb. The rest of the day was spent on the highway, riding on the shoulder. Luckily, the shoulder is wide on I-10 and the truck drivers are very courteous. Unluckily, there's lots of little bits of steel wire from blown steel-belted radial tires - just waiting to ruin a cyclist's day! A few people had to pull off the road to change a tire. Oh, yes, did I mention it was one-hundred degrees in the shade? Not that there was any shade. We were briefed last night on riding across the desert - everyone carried a backpack water system and two full bottles on their bikes. Many wore white leggings and arm covers - think Lawrence of Arabia! CrossRoads set up a bunch of support stops for refills of Gatorade, water and snacks. It was a long, hot day. I'm glad that we have that behind us. Of course, tomorrow we ride an even longer day through the desert to Wickenburg, Arizona. Crossing the state line, we sprinkle some beach sand on the border to appease the wind gods…


  1. Jim,

    At the rate your expending calories there won't be anything left of you by Boston!! Could you burn a few of my calories please! Take care.


  2. Day 2 of my effort to support the trek with my own bike journey. Attempted to mount bike but thighs immediately began to ache. Decided to make it a day of rest and recuperation instead. I am biking with you in spirit. Safe travels through Arizona!

  3. I think George is jealous - but I can't understand WHY - it must be a guy thing.
    I hope the Flat Tire gods protect you & your group.


  4. Dear Jim,

    Like Pam, I am riding here in your honor on my newish Specialized and reading Armstrong's books. Do be safe out there, we need you to keep our wedding valid :)

    Sending tail winds, happy mechanical gods, and cool weather your way.

    Love, Barb, Cam and Deco (Dog)
