Friday, April 24, 2009

Cast of Characters

There are twenty-six riders this year; not all of them are going all the way across the country. Median age is 58. The oldest rider is 73 and the youngest is 19. They are coming from all over the United States, one from Israel, and another from the U.K. States represented are: CA(5), FL(3), NJ(2), TX(2), VA(2), NV, MO, MI, NY, IL, LA, IN, TN, and OR.

The slump in the economy may have affected the size of the group. Past numbers of riders have been in the 34-40 range; with a large group of 60 in the year 2000. Having said that, there are a couple of riders who have said they can go because they were laid off from their jobs!


  1. can't wait to follow along from the comfort of my desk chair!! ENJOY!

  2. "When the going gets tough, the tough pull over and have a cookie." Be careful, have fun --- looking forward to your next post.

    Deb (who is also sitting on a big comfy desk chair, but alas doing nothin' fun.
